Friday, June 19, 2009

Keep on Keepin' on!

These are items that will be avalible on starting July 1, 2009

Grace and Peace www. This is new and this is going to be fun! (Blogging: Inviting all into a world of open journaling.) So, how about an introduction. My name is Sonja and I love to sew. Some people say crafting, some say designing some say artist, skilled worker, artificer, or even creator. I say that we are all children borrowing pieces of talents called “gifts” from a massive originator. Some have the gift of teaching some have the gift of healing, the gift of loving, the gift of dancing, singing, motivating, empowering, story telling, building, designing, or even the gift of discernment just to list a few. My passion is sewing. I had an immediate obedience when I was younger of knowing that sewing would be at the top of my thing to do list. Sewing takes me to wonderful places especially when my children are happy and comforted with the items that I have made them. I am thankful and appreciative of this gift. Do I always know what direction to take my gift in my life, no but I shall never give up. Maybe this time
I will let my gift guide me through life.

You never saw him, yet you love him. You still don’t see him, yet you trust him—with laughter and signing. Because you kept on believing, you’ll get what you’re looking forward to: total salvation.
1 Peter 1:8-9
Let’s have some fun, shall we.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! This is you!

    The colors, the layout - I love it!

    How about changing Hand Made to Custom Created or Custom Made or Creative Creations Your Way or Love Designed or . . . okay, I'm off. It's a good thing you love me!

    VERY GOOD WORK & GOOD WORDS! Anyone who knows you would understand that you "shall never give up."
